Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snowy December

SNOW as the 'kick-off' to welcome a whole new month in 2010, the last month of the year as well.

So, the real WINTER is finally here in Madison & my friend guessed it correctly, she said i will feel damn excited when it starts to snow on the first few days, & then i will hate it afterwards.

I did feel excited when it was snowing heavily for the very first time on Friday night.
Me, & roomie, 'unpatiently' went outside to play with snow....we were amazed at how the amount of snow increase so much in such a short time.

On Saturday morning, i woke up at 6am(amazingly) despite i slept at 3am, I rushed to the window, I peeped out & i saw snow was still falling as heavy as raindrop......then i went back to sleep.
At 9.30am, I woke up & again, I rushed to the window & I saw everything was so WHITE!....the roof, the car, the road......& i saw there were some ppl clearing off the snow at the walking path.
From 10am till 4pm, I spent my day outside playing with snow.
We camwhored & played crazily, laughed uncontrolably....despite the COLDNESS!
I was all wet & numb & cold when i got back leg & face was reddish in color, itchy, & numb. I guess i had winter itch! Yes it was itchy! & i hv no idea how those bruises on my leg can appear from nowhere....perhaps, i played too much & hurt myself.

My skin is so dry, my throat is so sore, & my whole body is so 'broken'!
We were a bit too over to hv spent so much time outdoor coz it's actually dangerous!
But, it's the first time we are exposed to real snow.....So it's really hard to surpress our curiosity towards something new in our life!
So what's now!?.....I have played in the snow, buried by snow, hit by snow, sat on snow, laid on snow, hit ppl with snowball, made a mutated snowman, walked on snow, smell the snow, tasted the snow, & etc.....I am satisfied!
I wouldn't want to do something crazy again!....(at least in these few days)XD

Let me recover myself first & perhaps i will consider to play in snow again....but definitely not as crazy as today!

Playing with neighbour's car in the midnight

i was stunned looking at this when i was preparing to go to class in the early morning

my deep footstep on Saturday morning


i really like the white rooftop!

bulky clothing makes jumpshot more tough!

my own-made mutated snowman

snow-fight has just begun

me being attacked

Group photo of the 1st-round SnowyFight!

This was the venue of our 2nd-round of SnowyFight
*spot the clean snow at my back*
*u'll notice the difference as u scroll down*

Let's do it!

Well, that's me being buried

the evil faces

kinda tasty though!=P

we were crazy

that's exactly how we played on the snow....
we rolled, we laid, we threw, we screamed.........

notice the huge difference on the ground?!
it was so clean before the 'war' started.....
Obviously, the whole place was being spoilt by us...hahaha

Let's move on to another venue...

Bascom Hill!
The hill that i climb to classes every morning!

half-covered Lincoln

More pictures are on my facebook.
There's a high price to pay for to get all these nice pictures!
Hopefully everyone will recover soon & we'll be back!
I'm looking forward to see the frozen lake & walk on it soon!
Snow-coated Madison is really nice.....I like it!

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